
Traditional Osteopathy & Classical Pilates in East Grand Rapids

Alexandra specialises in treating chronic pain, Hypermobility/EDS syndrome, acute lower back and neck pain, knee and hip osteoarthritis, RA and more. With 20+ years of combined experience, she has established herself as a trusted practitioner of Traditional Osteopathy and the Classic Pilates Method.

When treating pain, Alexandra focuses on the body as a whole not just symptoms. Guided by the principles of Andrew Tailor Still, the founder of Osteopathy trusting the body's self-healing mechanism. As an osteopath, she is dedicated to encouraging and facilitating this natural healing process while strengthening with Pilates for long-term success. My passion is education, healthy and strength.

I have been living with chronic neck pain due to hypermobility for a couple of years before I began working with Alexandra. At the same time that I met her, I was considering pursuing injection therapy as a next step. I decided to give her methods a chance first and I’m so glad I did. Alexandra is highly knowledgeable in working with hypermobile people and kindly validates my experience in ways other specialists have not.
— Natasha King, Michigan
Words cannot express how grateful I am for Alexandra. She’s so knowledgeable about the body and how it functions. After only 1 session, my constant back pain that hindered my movement and caused sleeplessness nights, is gone! I can pick up whatever I dropped from the floor, I can go from sitting to standing and immediately start walking. I am in absolute amazement of what was accomplished in the first session. Prior to meeting Alexandra, I was headed towards pain pills, injections and getting weaker.ake all the difference.
— Elease Savage, Michigan
Initially I went to Alexandra for help with my posture and strength whilst rowing competitively. However, after I was run-over by a bus (literally) she became central to my rehabilitation, helping me to make a recovery that continues to be described by my doctors as miraculous.
— Ben D., Durham UK
All I can say is Alexandra is wonderful. I had a rotator cuff injury has now been 9 months of continuous pain and discomfort from the same injury, so I decided to seek help. That’s when I met Alexandra. After the 1st session I felt completely ‘new,’ the pain and discomfort had gone. Alexandra is so welcoming and professional, her hands are honestly Magic!
— Ashleigh Henser, London UK
I suffer from longstanding RA and flare up easily if I am not careful. The classical pilates training Alexandra is doing is very personalised and I feel amazing after. My body is a lot stronger and healthier! Her osteopathy background also gives her a great advantage to adjust the exercises to suit personal changing needs.
— Kristina T., London

“Change happens through movement and movement heals.” - Joseph H. Pilates

“Be in control of your body and mind and not at its mercy” - Joseph H. Pilates


“Pilates is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace, and skill that will be unmistakably reflected in the way you walk, in the way you play, and in the way you work.” - Joseph Pilates

The only fully equipped studio with authentic Gratz Pilates apparatus in the area, built according to Joe’s original blueprints, approved by Joe’s wife Clara and his protégé, Romana Kryzanowska.